Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Workplace Web

Bureaucratic methods
Supposed to make life easier
But it is complicating our existence

Turning the worker into a cog
That is working hard as a hog

Barely able to afford bread
And sustain his family

Yet the bourgeoisie prosper and amass wealth
While the middle class only dream of it
And the workers are struggling to survive
They have absolutely no share of the pie

This is exploitation and oppression

The rich is getting richer
The middle class is getting bigger

The poor are working harder
They too are fathers


Diwan said...

This captures the reality of the capitalist campaign.
Where only those with access to resources gain,
And those without having to suffer the pain.

It is like a game of chess,
where the pawns (the poor) are used to protect the interests of the King (the wealthy masters).

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

i said this to nooj a few times re her poetry; and now i say it here: if ur not already, u shud b published.