Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Workplace Web

Bureaucratic methods
Supposed to make life easier
But it is complicating our existence

Turning the worker into a cog
That is working hard as a hog

Barely able to afford bread
And sustain his family

Yet the bourgeoisie prosper and amass wealth
While the middle class only dream of it
And the workers are struggling to survive
They have absolutely no share of the pie

This is exploitation and oppression

The rich is getting richer
The middle class is getting bigger

The poor are working harder
They too are fathers


Random ideas

Developed and sold

A fortune amassed

We never stopped and assessed

The futility of the matter

Over priced goods bought

Because we ignorant

We buy expensive clothes

Even for infants

It makes no sense

Its nonsense

It has no purpose

The brands suppose to give us an experience

But it only provides us with an inflated opinion

The Challenge

An element of crises
In the life cycle of humans
Is constant and alarming
But provides growth and experience

And the ability to conquer
And make molehills out of mountains
And deal with issues that affect our lives

And learn responsibility for ourselves and others
And spend our lives in service of others

Those affected by the forces of society
Those working hard
And finding it difficult to survive

This reality is not blinding
But we find it difficult to see

Our crises is nothing compared to their lives

Everyday is a struggle and a crisis
A mundane task becomes a major activity

The washing of clothes requires a walk to the river
The preparation of dinner requires the killing of the chicken

Yet we complain and moan
Unable to sacrifice and struggle

We were brought up with comfort and ease
Unaware of the difficulties of others

We take our challenges as crisis
Everyone has challenges
Ours are watered down compared to others

We must overcome our challenges
So we can help others overcome theirs

There is No Crisis

Only Opportunity

The Appeal

Modern management techniques
Developed to ensure efficient labour
Aimed at producing more profit
So that the guy on top can prosper
While the worker continues to suffer

We justify this by calling it ‘Market Forces’
And a ‘Competitive Labour Market’
Of a neo-liberal capitalist system
That is supposed to be fair and equal
But in reality is harsh and oppressive

This is injustice
Yet we look and do nothing
It seems that we lost our senses
What we really need is consensus

There needs to be a revolution

Reggie, when is communism coming!

Indecent Arrogance

Indecent arrogance,

Manipulates reality.

Forcing upon opinions and perceptions,

It ultimately alters reality.

Pushing an agenda,

A train of thought.

My influence cannot be bought.

Your arrogant and biased propaganda is futile.

I try to be critical and neutral .

I think for myself.

Your Opinion is Not Fact!

Your Opinion is Not the Truth!

Your Opinion is Not Always Right!

Your opinion is your perception.

I have my own.

Would you like to hear it?

Shut the Fuck Up, so I can say it!

Dedicated to Middle Class Liberals

Materialist Tendencies
Consumerist Inclinations

Striving towards Activism
Actions against Injustice and Oppression

These actions
Are currently Thoughts ...
Merely inclinations

Inclinations to fight against injustice and oppression
Inclinations to be a consumerist

Tendencies of activism
Tendencies of materialism

The lines of actions and thoughts
Are Blurred

The limits of our minds.

Unable to gauge how we see
yet we remain blind.

Finally, we Witness, yet do Nothing.

pain and suffering
is no different
to joy and hope

The world, is a mere click away.

we share the stories and experiences
yet we remain untouched

Escapism VERSUS Reality!

I cannot understand,
the limits of our minds!


Hardship and Difficulty for the past 60 years!

Violence and Bloodshed!

Refugees without land, without a place to belong!

Heartbreak and Despair!

The Persecuted without Remorse, Unleashing a Fate upon a People!

No Glimmer of Hope!

A People Innocent of All Crimes!

Crimes Funded by Those Responsible!

The Innocent Suffer!

The Guilty Avoid Blame!

The Persecuted Oppress!

The World Looks On!

Where is the Justice?

Random Rant

Relevance in life,
manifests itself through validation
of being accepted and admired,
respected, and with abilities that are not expired.

Identification of oneself
mirrored by the imagination within ones mind,
searching deep to be able to find,
the core of our existence or being.


that cannot be eaten

that cannot be seen

that cannot be explored


that cannot be ignored

The Endless Struggle…….

The endless struggle…
that shakes the core
of our existence.

Unable to determine
the need for any resistance.

Acceptance of our
role is not fate,
but defeat.

This is all